Homeland Credit Union Members,

We extend to you, an opportunity to become a part of one of the most respected credit unions in the nation.  Our reputation and high level of member confidence in the credit union are extremely important to us.  We ask everyone associated with the credit union to do everything possible to protect the credit union’s image of integrity and friendliness.

The following pages of information will provide a brief overview of the duties, functions, and responsibilities that you will incur as a volunteer of Homeland Credit Union.

If you would like to have your name placed in nomination for a volunteer position, please complete the attached application and return it by the last business day in January to Homeland Credit Union, 310 Caldwell St., Chillicothe 45601 or the completed application may be emailed to info@homelandcu.com.  Should you have any questions please feel free to call and leave a message for me at any of our credit union offices.

Click Here to Download the Nomination Packet


C. Brad Purdum

Chairperson, Nominating Committee